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Preparing for State Marching Band Contest is a Year-Round Job

By Richard Floyd, Music Director | Thursday, November 18, 2010 8:52 AM

It’s the first weekend in November and busloads of band students from across Texas converge on San Antonio for the UIL State Marching Band Contest. By the time the lights go out on Tuesday evening, approximately 18,000 spectators and 10,000 band students will have occupied the Alamodome and celebrated one of the premier marching band events in the nation.

As one might assume, this event doesn’t magically unfold in a 48-hour period of time. It involves months of careful planning and behind the scenes preparation. In fact, plans are already underway for the 2011 A-AA-AAAA event. Step by step, each piece of the puzzle will be laid in place to ensure that every detail of this monumental event is commensurate with the high quality of music performances that are the hallmark of this competition.

At this point in time, the Alamodome is already reserved for this event through 2018. Thus the UIL has a long-term commitment with this venue for the State Marching Band Contest. Shortly, room reservations for judges, contest officials and support personnel will be secured for 2011.

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Support for West Orange-Stark HS Poured in After the School Lost its Football Quarterback

By Meri Elen Jacobs, Yearbook/Newspaper Adviser at WO-S HS | Wednesday, November 10, 2010 9:13 AM

Talking to the local news stations, West Orange-Stark senior Donisha Mosby expresses her thanks for the support that the high school received after Reggie Garrett's death. West Brook High School students hold chains in the background that were made for WO-S to hang on their fences at the home games.
Talking to the local news stations, West Orange-Stark senior Donisha Mosby expresses her thanks for the support that the high school received after Reggie Garrett's death. West Brook High School students hold chains in the background that were made for WO-S to hang on their fences at the home games. "It was amazing and emotional to see all those chain links for Reggie," Mosby said. "It was good to see everybody come together in our time of need."

Photo by WO-S junior Alayna Jacobs

They came in boxes and garbage bags — green and gold linked to red and baby blue, black and red linked to purple and white. Many came with notes on every individual link — “RIP Reggie Garrett,” “112%,” or other supportive messages. Some arrived with long messages and others with drawings fit to be in an art contest.

The support was overwhelming.

Elementary schools, middle schools and high schools all over the state from El Paso to Marshall, Bridgeport to New Braunfels sent paper chain links to hang around the football field for the first game after the West Orange-Stark Mustangs lost our senior quarterback, Reggie Garrett, on Sept. 17.

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Mesquite Superintendent Elected New Legislative Council Chair

By Julianne Coyne, UIL Intern | Tuesday, November 02, 2010 10:16 AM

At the Legislative Council meeting in October, Garland Superintendent Curtis Culwell thanks and honors outgoing Chair Rick Reedy, the superintendent of Frisco ISD for his service and dedication to UIL. Mesquite Superintendent Linda Henrie was elected by the council to follow Reedy as Chair.
At the Legislative Council meeting in October, Garland Superintendent Curtis Culwell thanks and honors outgoing Chair Rick Reedy, the superintendent of Frisco ISD for his service and dedication to UIL. Mesquite Superintendent Linda Henrie was elected by the council to follow Reedy as Chair.

Photo by Jeanne Acton

At the October UIL Legislative Council meeting, the Council elected Dr. Linda Henrie, superintendent of Mesquite ISD, to serve as the Chair for this term. Her vice chairs are Alton Frailey, superintendent of Katy ISD, and David Foote, superintendent of Dalhart ISD.

Henrie, who joined the Council in 2004, said she hopes that she will be a positive influence on the Legislative Council.

“The Council has a tradition of strong leadership from outstanding staff and Council membership,” Henrie said. “My goal is to continue that and build upon the many successes that have already been achieved.”

Because she’s well-versed in UIL policies and procedures Henrie will do an outstanding job, said UIL Executive Director Dr. Charles Breithaupt.

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Moving Forward in Speech: Council Approves Computers for Extemp

By Jana Riggins, Speech Director | Tuesday, October 26, 2010 12:10 PM

The Legislative Council passed a staff proposal to allow speakers to use computers in the extemporaneous speaking preparation room under guidelines established by UIL. If the Commissioner of Education approves the amendment to the C&CR, the rule change will go into effect next school year.

Careful study of this issue has been ongoing. As soon as it became evident that computers in debate could be smoothly implemented statewide and most importantly, without negative results, I felt computers in extemp would be inevitable, but I was cautious. Maintaining the educational value of our contests and the particular skills they develop is of utmost importance, and I knew there were additional issues inherent in the extemporaneous speaking contest that would have to be considered.

Initially, I dialogued with college coaches in Texas and nationally, since collegiate forensic organizations already allow extemp speakers to use computers. As the National Catholic Forensic League took the bold step to include computers at their national high school tournament, I contacted the president of NCFL to discuss their rules and in the aftermath of their inaugural tournament, to examine any problems with implementation. The Catholic League officials were very positive about the change.

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Tips for Current Issues & Events Contest

By Tom Ray, CI&E State Director | Tuesday, October 26, 2010 11:59 AM

As you begin to plan for the Current Issues & Events invitational season and district meet, I would like to share some thoughts with you.

First, let me congratulate you for participating in this event. I know how valuable academic competition has been in my life. My UIL experience began in 1984 competing in team debate and extemporaneous speaking. I was a typical debater— totally consumed by debate.

One day, my coach told me that I was going to compete in extemporaneous speaking, or “extemp” in speech jargon. She told me that I was going to give a speech over a random current event and that I would have 30 minutes to learn about the topic and write and memorize the speech. I thought the woman was a complete nut job!

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OAP Enrollment Hits Record Mark

By Luis Munoz, Theatre Director | Tuesday, October 26, 2010 11:55 AM

Enrollment in the 2010-11 One-Act Play Contest has reached an all-time record enrollment of 1223. In 2007 we had 1205 schools. I want to thank all of the schools who enrolled and verified their entries in a timely manner.

The UIL Legislative Council passed two amendments to the Constitution and Contest Rules on Monday, Oct.18. Both of these changes will take effect August of 2011.

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2010 UIL Regional Directors Meeting

By | Friday, October 15, 2010 9:37 AM

Photos and video from the September 27, 2010 UIL Regional Directors Meeting.

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Blogging Renewed my Passion for Writing

By Jeanne Acton, Journalism Director | Thursday, October 14, 2010 11:05 AM

I started a blog.

There, I said it.

It’s not that I am ashamed, but it feels weird telling people about it.

It’s self-indulgent and probably needs some editing, but it’s been a pretty great experience so far.

At this point, you are probably wondering why I am making this confession.

I didn’t have to tell a soul.

I am sharing my little secret because writing the blog has relit my passion for writing.

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Softball Pitching Distance to Increase to 43 feet in 2010-11

By Sheila Henderson, Assistant Athletic Director | Thursday, October 14, 2010 10:35 AM

Most softball coaches are aware that effective with the 2010-11 school year, the pitching distance will increase from 40 feet to 43 feet. I wanted to revisit this change to ensure that every coach is aware and prepared.

The pitching distance change was not a fly-by-night decision. The National Federation of High Schools Softball Committee debated and discussed the issue for more than 10 years, and two state associations (Florida and Oregon) experimented with the 43 feet distance for several years.

All UIL member schools must comply with this mandatory change. Many schools started preparing the fields for this change after the close of the 2009-10 season to help their athletes make the adjustment.

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State Wind Ensemble Festival Provides a Unique Musical Opportunity

By Richard Floyd, Director of Music | Thursday, September 30, 2010 1:14 PM

The State Wind Ensemble Contest was established in 1976 as a part of the Texas State Solo and Ensemble Contest. During the years that followed, this event gradually evolved into the festival format that is in place today. It is now referred to as the State Wind Ensemble Festival (SWEF). It is viewed to be an educationally rewarding and positive experience for all participants. This year this prestigious event is scheduled for May 7.

Much of the success of this event has been attributed to the Clinician/Commentator component of the format. This feature allows each performing group to have a 30-minute post concert clinic/critique with a nationally recognized conductor/educator. The focus of the event is on the subjective, artistic elements of music performance rather than the objective, technical details that tend to dominate critiques in a totally competitive setting.

With the approval of the UIL/TMEA Music Advisory Committee and the UIL Legislative Council the event was modified in 2000 to what many would term a festival format. The intent of this revision was to build on the most successful elements of SWEF, which cultivate the positive aspects of making music for music’s sake rather than the attainment of an objective rating. In addition a listening component has been added to emphasize the very important value of becoming good audience members as well as accomplished performers.

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