Health & Safety
UIL Health & Safety Program
The health and safety of all participants is extremely important to the UIL. The UIL strives to make its activities as safe as possible, and this requires effort and vigilance from all those involved with UIL activities. Coaches, administrators, parents and students all play a key role in keeping students safe.
We've provided access to important health and safety information here. The information covers a wide range of health and safety issues. All health and safety decisions related to UIL activities are informed by the UIL Medical Advisory Committee, and must receive final approval from the UIL Legislative Council.
The UIL formed the Medical Advisory Committee (MAC) in 2001 in order to have a dedicated body of medical and scholastic athletic experts dedicated to reviewing policies and advancements in health and safety for all UIL student participants. The MAC is composed of leading experts in their respective fields including pediatric neurology, pediatric cardiology, orthopedic surgery, sports medicine, athletic training, general medicine and coaching. Any recommendations of the Medical Advisory Committee are presented to the UIL Legislative Council standing committees before becoming UIL rule.
The UIL and the UIL Medical Advisory Committee focus on four key areas that make up the overall health and well-being of student participants. These four areas are: Head, Heart, Heat, and History. Information about each category can be found by clicking the buttons below.