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Tips for Planning Your Academic Vacation

By Dr. David Stevens, Academic Director | Friday, September 06, 2013 1:59 PM

Being an academic coordinator or coach for your campus is much like planning for a summer vacation with the family. It takes months of preparation for a few days or weeks of gratitude. But the payoff is usually worth the trouble.

The first step to going on vacation is selecting a date and location. For the UIL traveler, planning meetings for district spring meets began Aug. 15.  The planning meetings should include location, dates and assignments for CX debate, One-Act Play and the academic meet. If you have not received notification of this information, check with your campus administration or contact another coordinator in your UIL district.

Next, you will need to plan your itinerary for the trip. Districts are highly encouraged to follow the UIL Academic Conflict Pattern at the district contest. The conflict pattern is strictly enforced at the region and state meets.

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UIL NOW Explores New Format

By Kate Y. Hector, Media Coordinator | Friday, September 06, 2013 1:55 PM

Each of the first five editions of UIL NOW for the 2013-14 school year will feature one of last year's UIL Lone Star Cup winners, like Salado High School.
Each of the first five editions of UIL NOW for the 2013-14 school year will feature one of last year's UIL Lone Star Cup winners, like Salado High School.

Photo by Jana Riggins, Speech and Debate Director

The University Interscholastic League’s video series, UIL NOW, has undergone some changes over the summer. In its previous format, the video focused on upcoming events and deadlines. The new format will feature several new sections and, a video will be published every two weeks, as opposed to every week.

In an effort to provide more detailed and timely content the videos will include sponsor spotlight, UIL flashback, activity spotlight, coaches corner and special Lone Star cup sections in various editions of UIL NOW.

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Barnes Leads Policy and Compliance for League

By Jamie Oberg, UIL Intern | Friday, September 06, 2013 1:52 PM

Leo Barnes is the new Director of Policy and Compliance.
Leo Barnes is the new Director of Policy and Compliance.

Photo by Kate Y. Hector

Formerly an Associate Vice President for Legal Affairs at the University of Texas at Austin, Leo L. Barnes began working at the UIL as the Director of Policy and Compliance in June 2013.

A native Texan who grew up in Houston and attended Spring Branch High School, Barnes received his undergraduate degree from the University of Texas and graduated cum laude from the St. Mary’s School of Law in San Antonio.

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Munoz and Malone Join League Team

By Jamie Oberg, UIL Intern | Friday, September 06, 2013 1:42 PM

This summer, UIL welcomed many new staff members to our team. Among them, Glenda Munoz was hired as an administrative assistant in the academic department, and Mervin Malone as a Senior Mail Clerk assisting the entire office.

Munoz worked as the administrative assistant at the Hays-Caldwell Women’s Center (HCWC) in San Marcos after graduating from Texas State with a degree in Sociology.

“Upon graduating, I wanted to help change the world in social services and began a wonderful experience at HCWC,” Munoz said. “During my five years [there], I realized my administrative strengths and shifted from direct services to office management and event planning duties.”

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Floyd Hands Over the Reigns, Promises a Smooth Transition

By Richard Floyd, former Director of Music | Friday, September 06, 2013 1:36 PM

What is that old saying? “Time flies when you are having fun.”

How true. I looked up 12 months ago and suddenly realized that 29 years had passed since I was appointed the UIL State Director of Music in 1984. That’s a long time.  In fact, there are countless music educators out there who have never known the UIL without Richard Floyd as the State Director of Music.  Now, that’s a scary thought!

But, the time has come.  The transition is well underway.  Dr. Brad Kent, former Fine Arts Director for the Richardson Independent School District, and I have worked in tandem for an entire year and on Sept. 1, 2013  Brad assumed the role of State Director of Music. I will remain on board in a half-time position committed to our goal of making the transition as seamless as possible. George Strickland and Patty Esfandiari continue to be a part of our great UIL music team.  For music directors across the state of Texas it should be “business as usual.”

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Speech and Debate Readies for an Exciting Year

By Jana Riggins, Speech and Debate Director | Friday, September 06, 2013 1:32 PM

The Texas delegation in Oregon
The Texas delegation in Oregon

Welcome to the 2013 - 2014 school year! Just as you are calling out new names on your roll sheet and seeing new faces in your classroom, new and exciting things are also happening at UIL!

The annual speech coach mailing has gone digital. It’s now designed as an e-book and is posted on the speech section of the UIL website. Take the time to access the documents included in the e-book to assist you in having the information you need for a successful year. If you are a new coach, email me (, and I will be happy to send you a complimentary New Coach manual. In addition, there is a section of the speech website that is customized just for you as a first-year coach.

This school year introduces newly designed literary categories for high school oral interpretation contestants and the categories are definitely innovative. For the first time ever, interpreters will be allowed to add theatre, radio, television, movie or documentary scripts into the Category B Prose performance. Poetry contestants get the added benefit of using song lyrics for transitions, as their thematic poetry performance for Category A explores a decade or social/political movement.

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Student Congress to Begin this Fall

By Jana Riggins, Speech and Debate Director | Friday, September 06, 2013 1:31 PM

UIL is piloting an exciting new contest this fall, Congress, that models the legislative process of democracy; specifically, the United States Congress.

Within this mock legislative assembly competition, contestants draft legislation (proposed laws and position statements called resolutions) submitted to the tournament, and they research the docket of bills and resolutions dealing with real-world social and political policies prior to the contest to prepare their speeches. At the tournament, students deliver formal discourse on the merits and disadvantages of each piece of legislation, and vote to pass or defeat the measures they have examined. Parliamentary procedure forms structure for the discourse, and students extemporaneously respond to others’ arguments over the course of a session.

Judges evaluate contestants for their research and analysis of issues, argumentation, skill in asking and answering questions, use of parliamentary procedures and clarity and fluency of speaking.

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New Music Director Shares 3 Updates to C&CR

By Dr. Brad Kent, Director of Music | Friday, September 06, 2013 1:25 PM

As I sit down to write my first Leaguer article as State Director of Music I would like to share with you my excitement and enthusiasm for serving you, the music teachers in Texas.  The beginning of a new school year is always filled with a renewed sense of optimism and energy that comes from the anticipation of having a fruitful year of learning and accomplishment.  I hope nine months from now you can look back and see that you not only achieved your goals, but most importantly that you made a difference in the lives of your students.  Because, it is through education that we can truly enlighten young minds and shape the future.

From the UIL state music office we have three updates in the 2013-2014 Constitution and Contest Rules.  The first amendment basically expands an option that already exists, the second is an addition that was adopted in the spring and the third gives scheduling flexibility to our regions.

Section 1102 (b) (1) (C) in the 2013-2014 Constitution and Contest Rules allows a student playing a string instrument in a varsity or non-varsity full or string orchestra permission to play a keyboard instrument or harp in another competing orchestra representing the same school.  This allowance already exists for students playing a wind or percussion instrument in a varsity or non-varsity group; we simply extended the same opportunity to string students.

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Coaches Input Sought on State Feature Writing Contest

By Jeanne Acton, Journalism Director | Friday, September 06, 2013 1:21 PM

As I listened to the State Feature Writing speaker this past year, I couldn’t help but be a little frustrated. Our speaker was from the Democratic Republic of Congo. She had witnessed genocide as a young child, and her father was still living in danger on a daily basis. It was an incredible story, but I don’t think the students got the full story. They just didn’t ask the right questions.

And it certainly wasn’t their fault.

When I prepare for an interview, I research. I read everything I can to become as knowledgeable about the topic or person as I can. I talk to people. I work through questions both with colleagues and myself. And I do all of this, BEFORE the interview. When I say before, I mean days, not minutes.
What we ask the competitors at the State Feature Writing contest to do seems contradictory to good journalism. We bring these 60 students into a room and expect them to do an amazing interview with only minutes to prepare. And sometimes, we give them a topic they are unfamiliar with like this past year.

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A Musical Journey: Floyd Retires After Nearly 3 Decades at UIL

By Jamie Oberg, UIL Intern | Friday, May 31, 2013 10:29 AM

Richard Floyd, who started at UIL 29 years ago, will retire this summer. On June 27, Floyd will be one of 13 individuals inducted in the National High School Hall of Fame in Denver, Colorado
Richard Floyd, who started at UIL 29 years ago, will retire this summer. On June 27, Floyd will be one of 13 individuals inducted in the National High School Hall of Fame in Denver, Colorado

UIL Music Director Richard Floyd wears his philosophy close to his heart. In fact, it’s merely inches from it.

It’s a necklace that encourages him daily to always take chances and embrace life’s unpredictability.
“If you turn it certain ways it reads ‘Go for it,’” he explained.

Only Floyd, his wife Cheryl, and his son Weston have the necklaces, which Floyd designed himself and commissioned a local jeweler to create.

“Go for it if you have a vision, just move forward with passion,” Floyd said. “That’s what I’ve tried to do, and I hope people remember me as being passionate and caring and committed.”

And Texas music educators will have no problem remembering that.

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