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‘They’ Don’t Make the Rules for Music; We All Can Have Input

By Richard Floyd, Music Director | Tuesday, November 20, 2012 10:55 AM

“They did it to us again!”  “UIL better wake-up and figure out what they are doing wrong.”  “Those people in Austin are out of touch.”  “Who makes our rules anyway?”

Comments and questions like this can be heard in the exhibit halls at our annual conventions, read on social media chat boards and, in all likelihood, appear on countless Facebook pages. The implication is that rules are made behind closed doors and directors have little or no say in the structure of our contest rules and regulations. It is that mysterious “they” that controls our destiny.

But, in reality, there is no “they.”  The UIL is “us.”  In large part, we make the rules that structure our music competitions. Collectively the music educators of the state of Texas, in cooperation with school administrators, have the opportunity to shape, mold and modify virtually every segment of the UIL Music Plan. Each year rules are examined, proposals considered and modifications adopted in an effort to keep our contests educationally sound and relevant to our evolving educational climate.

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Dr. Poole of Barber’s Hill ISD Elected as Chair of Legislative Council

By Kate Y. Hector, Media Coordinator | Tuesday, November 20, 2012 10:47 AM

Dr. Greg Poole, the newly elected Legislative Council Chair, drapes medals on winners at the Cross Country State Championship
Dr. Greg Poole, the newly elected Legislative Council Chair, drapes medals on winners at the Cross Country State Championship

Photo by Kate Y. Hector

At the October 2012 University Interscholastic League Legislative Council Meeting, Dr. Greg Poole, superintendent at Barbers Hill ISD, was elected as the new chair.

“I am more proud of the position that has been entrusted to me than any other accomplishment I have been blessed to receive,” Poole said.
Dr. Charles Breithaupt, UIL executive director, said Poole’s greatest attribute is his leadership. Poole served on the teacher retirement board for six years and has been a progressive leader during his time at Barbers Hill ISD.

“He is a champion for young people,” Breithaupt said of Poole.  “He is a champion for coaches and directors, and he is one who pursues excellence. I think he will have a great year as Legislative Council chair.”

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Volleyball Tournament Wraps Up in Garland ISD Venue

By Jeanne Acton, Journalism Director | Tuesday, November 20, 2012 10:38 AM

At the Curtis Culwell Center in Garland ISD, Brock High School goes up for a block during the 2A semifinal game against Holliday High School. Brock won the game and went on to beat Schulenburg High School to take home the 2A Conference State Title.
At the Curtis Culwell Center in Garland ISD, Brock High School goes up for a block during the 2A semifinal game against Holliday High School. Brock won the game and went on to beat Schulenburg High School to take home the 2A Conference State Title.

Photo by Ashley Landis, 1st Photo Texas

For the first time in the history of UIL volleyball, the state tournament was not played in the Austin area because of a date conflict with the F-1 races. The tournament was moved to the Curtis Culwell Center in Garland ISD, and it appears to have been a success.

"There were no real disadvantages,” Peter Contreras, assistant athletic director and tournament director, said. “Parking for our teams and spectators was not an issue, and the fact the facility has four locker rooms for teams participating was a big advantage."

Before securing a site for the 2013 state tournament, Contreras said the League will look at several factors.

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Ad Hoc Committee to Study Cardiac Screening for UIL Participants

By Jeanne Acton, Journalism Director | Tuesday, November 20, 2012 10:34 AM

UIL Executive Director Dr. Charles Breithaupt wants parents, students, coaches and teachers to know that “the safety of our students is a primary concern” of the UIL and has been for a long time.

In 2001, UIL created the Medical Advisory Committee (MAC) —comprised of distinguished physicians, an athletic trainer and two executive directors of statewide coaches associations— to make recommendations to the League on what Breithaupt calls the 4 Hs – Head, Heart, Heat and Medical History.

And the committee has done just that.

“We have leaned heavily on the Medical Advisory Committee over the past 10 years,” Breithaupt said.

The committee has made recommendations on Automated External Defibrillators, physical forms, practice limitations, concussions and other medical issues . In fact, every recommendation the MAC has made to the Legislative Council has been unanimously adopted.

And now, select members from that committee will join members from the Legislative Council and the State Executive Committee to form an Ad Hoc Committee to study the issue of cardiac screening for UIL participants.

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Live Streaming Makes Band Contest More Than a ‘Texas Happening”

By Jeanne Acton, Journalism Director | Tuesday, November 20, 2012 10:21 AM

Austin Bowie High School took fourth place at the 5A State Marching Band Contest.
Austin Bowie High School took fourth place at the 5A State Marching Band Contest.

Photo by Jeanne Acton

On Nov. 5 and 6, thousands of high school band students filled the Alamodome with their artistry and musical talent for the 3A and 5A UIL State Marching Band Contest.
And while thousands of parents and fans filled the stadium to watch the performances, more than 3,500 watched from the comfort of their homes and schools.

For the second year in a row the State Marching Band Contest was streamed live over the internet by Mr. Video.

“What the viewers saw was exactly what was on the video wall in the Alamodome and also the content of the DVDs that are produced after the concert,” Music Director Richard Floyd said.

Floyd said the webcast has several benefits. First, it gives parents and members of the communities represented in the competition who could not make the trip to San Antonio the opportunity to view their students in the actual performances.

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The Idioms of Academics

By Dr. David Stevens, Academic Director | Monday, October 08, 2012 1:35 PM

The origins of some commonly used idioms, or cliches, are unknown. Many can be linked to a phenomenon, odd behavior or special occurrences in history.  However, those who use them often understand their meaning.  Therefore, let us provide some meaning for those phrases you may hear in relation to UIL academics this fall.

It was raining cats and dogs during the fall Student Activities Conferences this year.  Not literally. Well, maybe at the UT-Austin SAC. Those of you who attended that SAC did brave downpours and waded through water to get to sessions.

Our attendance was outstanding at each site, and the presenters and hosts were terrific. So it isn’t a stretch to say that the knowledge was raining into our attendees.

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SWEF Focuses on Artistic Elements of Music Performance

By Richard Floyd, Music Director | Tuesday, October 02, 2012 1:18 PM

The State Wind Ensemble Contest was established in 1976 as a part of the Texas State Solo and Ensemble Contest.  During the years that followed this event gradually evolved into the festival format that is in place today. It is now referred to as the State Wind Ensemble Festival (SWEF) and provides an educationally rewarding and positive experience for all participants. This prestigious event is scheduled for May 4, 2013.

Much of the success of this event has been attributed to the Clinician/Commentator component of the format.  This feature allows each performing group to have a 30-minute post concert clinic/critique with a nationally recognized conductor/educator.  The focus of the event is on the subjective, artistic elements of music performance rather than the objective, technical details that tend to dominate critiques in a totally competitive setting.

With the approval of the UIL/TMEA Music Advisory Committee and the UIL Legislative Council the event was modified in 2000 to what many would term a festival format.  The intent of this revision was to build on the most successful elements of SWEF, which cultivate the positive aspects of making music for music’s sake rather than the attainment of an objective rating.  In addition a listening component has been added to emphasize the very important value of becoming good audience members as well as accomplished performers.

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Directors and Adjudicators: Be Realistic, Be Fair and Be Excited

By Daniel Galloway, TMAA Marching Band Vice President | Tuesday, October 02, 2012 1:15 PM

As this marching band season unfolds, I find I have the unique opportunity to reflect on this activity from three different points of view. First, as a director of a competitive marching band program; second, as an active adjudicator for multiple contests;  and finally, as a parent of a student in a marching band program. And, wearing these three hats has tempered my perspective as a director and as an adjudicator. It all boils down to being realistic, being fair and being excited.

As a director I truly believe that setting achievable, educational goals is essential. One must be realistic about the learning curve that will be required to refine the content of a show. All too often I have watched a band attempt to perform a 7:50 show and fall short of a superior rating when a better executed seven-minute show would have easily been rated a Division One.

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Technology Opens New Doors of Creativity

By Luis Muñoz, Theatre Director | Tuesday, October 02, 2012 12:41 PM

O wonder!
How many goodly creatures are there here!
How beauteous mankind is! O brave new world,
That has such people in't.

—William Shakespeare, The Tempest, Act V, Scene I, ll. 203–206

Creativity as a process is something that has fascinated me from the time I was introduced to the concept during a graduate class in directing that I took with James Barton at what is now Texas State University. This gift to imagine and realize is not unique to the artist but, to me, is inherent in the very core of all humanity. We are born with the ability to mimic what we see and hear. As we grow older, we become capable of applying all of our experiences, both personal and vicarious, with knowledge gained through education to create.

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Rule Reminders for A+ District Meets

By David Trussell, A+ Director | Tuesday, October 02, 2012 12:38 PM

For A+ districts hosting fall/winter meets in December and January, the meet planning process should be well underway. That process includes a number of important decisions; as those decisions are made it’s crucial to keep in mind which options are available — and which are not. The A+ program affords districts a great deal of flexibility, but not everything is negotiable.

• The A+ Art contest includes the identification section known as Part A, as well as the art history and elements section known as Part B. Section 1410(b)(2) of the C&CR states, “Both Parts A and B of the contest shall be conducted.” This means that a district Art contest must include both parts; by rule, omitting Part B is not an option.

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