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SAC Adviser’s Meeting Comes to the Leaguer

By Jeanne Acton, UIL Journalism Director | Monday, September 26, 2011 2:51 PM

The fall rush has begun.

No, I didn’t join a sorority (don’t think they would really take a 40-something mother of two), but I have begun the fall frenzy of travelling across the state presenting at Student Activity Conferences (SAC).

During each SAC, I end the conference with an adviser’s meeting where I highlight some of the upcoming changes, issues and events.

Since many journalism teachers are unable to attend the SACs, I thought I would review what I say in those adviser’s meetings for everyone.

1) Introductions. At this time, please introduce yourself and what you teach. (You probably didn't need this one, but it’s always nice to say your own name. Go for it.)

2) Interscholastic League Press Conference Membership. The deadline for membership is Dec. 1. After that, we charge a $10 late fee. Membership is online at: (look for the red button on the right).

3) ILPC/TAJE Central Texas Invitational Meet. For the third year in a row, ILPC and TAJE will host a journalism-only, off-site Invitational Meet on Saturday, Jan. 14. We will email advisers the prompts on Thursday, Jan. 12. All contests must be emailed or faxed (we prefer email) to us by the end of contest time on Saturday. Advisers can hold meets at their school or they can join other advisers in their area to create a more contest-like experience for the students.

Last year, we had more than 20 schools enter the contest so we split the schools into two groups — big school and small school — for judging. We placed the top 10 in each contest. For more information about the contest, please see the flier posted at: If you have questions, please contact me at

4) Journalism Contest Manual. This summer, I updated and revised the Journalism Contest Manual. For a copy, please order from the Pamphlet Order Packet at:

5) Journalism PowerPoints. All of the PowerPoints that I use for the SACs are posted online at: The files are pdfs, so if you want the actual PowerPoint, please email me.

6) Mandatory verification. It happens this year. This rule will ensure accuracy in results. The purpose of verification is for identification, not for questioning the judges’ comments and placement. Last year, I wrote a column about the steps and process. Please see:

7) Academic State Meet. You didn’t read the calendar wrong. The State Meet will be held May 21-22 this year. If you have questions, please contact me.

Then, I do a big thank you to all of the advisers. And I definitely don't want to leave that out. Thank you!

In a time when budgets are drastically being cut, when the media is rapidly changing and when you are asked to do more and more, I want to thank you for giving so much to scholastic journalism and your students.

Every year, I have advisers call or email me questions. So many of those phone calls and emails start with “Sorry to bug you.” Advisers, you are NEVER bugging me when you call. It’s my job to serve you, and what a wonderful group of people to serve. Please never hesitate to call or email. I am here to help and support you.

P.S. My email is and my direct line is 512.232.4924.