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University of Texas at Austin
University Interscholastic League Logo
University Interscholastic League Logo

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Amending UIL Rules

The process for changing a UIL rule is as follows:


Any individual may propose a change.

Standing Committees of the Legislative Council

(summer public hearings at the UIL Office)

Committees consider, refine, and prepare for full council action.

Member School District and Public Reaction

Schools are notified of proposals in September.

Public Hearing*

The Annual Legislative Council Meetings are held on the weekend of the 3rd Sunday in October in Austin Texas.
Check the UIL Official Calendar for exact dates.

Standing Committees Recommendations

Committees make recommendations on each proposal following the public hearings.

Legislative Council Action

  1. Places proposal on ballot;
  2. Approves proposal for implementation; or
  3. Rejects proposal.

32-member Council: 24 elected by superintendents within their region and conference, 8 appointed by chair of Legislative Council.

Referendum Ballot

Major rule changes that pass are sent to school superintendents for vote. Superintendent has one vote for each high school within that superintendent's ISD.

Commissioner of Education

All approved rule changes are submitted to the Commissioner of Education for approval or disapproval.


Generally, rules become effective the following school year.