A+ Meets
District & Invitational Meets for Grades 2nd thru 8th.
A+ District Meets
IMPORTANT INSTRUCTIONS- PLEASE READ CAREFULLY! The A+ District Meet is the culminating event for A+ competition. Elementary and middle school/junior high students do not advance to another level of UIL competition after district.
There are two district meet timeframes: fall/winter district and spring district. Fall/winter district meets take place from December 1- January 31. The deadline to request fall/winter materials is September 26. Spring district meets take place from February 1- May 27. The deadline to request district meet materials is November 15.
District meet materials are requested here (these materials are provided to districts at no charge).
A+ Invitational Meets
IMPORTANT INSTRUCTIONS- PLEASE READ CAREFULLY! Invitational meets may be scheduled from November 1- April 1. Many schools host or participate in an invitational meet as practice for a district meet. Order invitational materials at least four weeks before your meet date. The UIL offers a set of invitational contest material that includes A+ events except Music Memory. If you are hosting Music Memory during an invitational meet, you may create your own materials for that contest, or browse a list of outside vendors found here.
If you are hosting an invitational meet, UIL invitational materials are purchased here.
NOTE: Some districts purchase the "A+ Invitational Materials" because they have scheduled writing events to occur before the start of the fall/winter district meet timeframe of December 1- January 31. It is not necessary to complete an Invitational Meet Information form in these cases- simply notate "early writing" on the District Meet form, and be sure to purchase the Invitational Writing Events. When you purchase the A+ Invititational Writing Events through the UIL Store, make sure to include the date when you need the writing materials.