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University of Texas at Austin
University Interscholastic League Logo
University Interscholastic League Logo

Academics Contact Info

Academics Director:
Dr. David Stevens

Department Email:
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State Champions

Computer Science Scoring Procedures

Point Values and Combined Team Scores

The Computer Science Contest will be tabulated using raw scores only. A perfect individual raw score on the written test is 240, so a perfect written test team score is 720. The programming and written test portions of the team score each have equal weight. Each of the 12 programming problems will be worth 60 points, so a perfect hands-on programming score is also 720. Thus a perfect overall team score is 1440.

Penalty Points in Programming

An incorrect solution results in a deduction of five points. A team that gets a problem right on the second try would receive 55 points (60 minus one five-point deduction).

Point deductions for incorrect solutions will only be counted in the team score IF the team ultimately gets that problem correct. So attempting a problem one, two, three times or more but never getting it correct will not hurt the team's score; however, the team will still have lost all the time spent on all those incorrect solutions, leaving less time for other problems. The point deductions are included for correctly solved problems in order to give more points to a team that gets the problem right on the first try versus a team that gets it right on the second or third try.